ADHD Students and Recess
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The Importance of Recess for Children With ADHD
by Keath Low
This article explains that efforts to modify the behavior of children with ADHD will be more successful with prevention or positive rewards rather than cancelling recess privileges for behavior infractions. By working with the child’s teacher, parents can help improve the environment that leads to problematic behavior or even develop positive rewards for positive behaviors. Both help preserve recess, which is a necessary outlet for a child with ADHD. If recess must be used them limited allowed activities as opposed to the entire recess is preferred.
18 Simple School Strategies for Students with…
by Keath Low
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also known as ADHD is a problem for both the affected child as well as other students in the classroom. In this article there are tips to help both child and teacher effectively deal with the situation effectively. Any kind of interruption can make things difficult for the class, teacher as well as the student with ADHD.
Students Aren’t Waiting to Improve Their World
by Suzie Boss
The article is about emphasizing the need for social programs to help today’s youth become tomorrow’s leaders of innovative ideas. It tackles how we can help today’s youth do this, for example by helping the youth realize the importance of innovation. What this means is that we help the youth come up with ideas to improve the environment or any green solutions. It explains this by the ideas of helping youth contact with today’s innovators. And by letting the youth know that their idea can make a difference. And this does not only apply to children in third or second world countries such as India or Brazil, this philosophy may be applied right here in the good old US of A