An Auditory Processing Lesson Focussing On Auditory Memory And Comprehension
The primary goal of the “Finish the Sentence” exercise is to bolster auditory memory and comprehension. By engaging in this activity, students are prompted to listen carefully to sentence structures and context, harnessing their auditory processing skills to infer and select an appropriate word to complete the sentence.
1. Enhanced Auditory Memory: By regularly practicing this exercise, students can gradually improve their ability to remember and recall spoken information.
2. Improved Listening Skills: Students are encouraged to pay close attention to verbal cues and the context in which they are presented.
3. Better Sentence Comprehension: By trying to infer the missing word, students strengthen their comprehension of sentence structures and word relationships.
4. Creativity Boost: In many instances, there can be more than one correct answer. This allows children to use their creativity and imagination in coming up with varied responses.

Course Instructor
- Listen to the audio. Each sentence has the last word omitted.
- The student listens attentively to the given context and tries to come up with a suitable word to finalize the sentence.
- This process is repeated with various sentences.
There is no correct answer. The goal is to finish the sentence with any word that makes sense. It may be logical or humorous. It does not matter.
The point of this is that, to finish the sentence, the student must process the auditory sentence, and to come up with an answer, must see it in visual memory manipulation and then visualize an answer. This practice connects the auditory processing with visual memory processing. This is one of the most fundamental skills needed for comprehension and so many other learning skills, problem solving skills, and creativity skills. Don’t let it’s simplicity fool you. It is a powerful exercise. All sentences in this exercise are at first grade reading level.
Various reading levels are provided. However, no matter what level the student is at they should start with the first grade reading level sentences.
If desired, a teacher may use the download to read from rather than the audio.
Note: Do not mark a lesson as complete if there is difficulty. Leave it as incomplete and come back to it again later. Only mark each as completed when you are satisfied with them.