Embrace Brilliance, Unleash Potential

Is your child intelligent but struggling in school?

This simple system will unleash your child’s true brilliance so they can get great grades and surpass their peers even if they learn differently.

“Simple System for Overcoming Dyslexia”

Build the skills needed for reading, math, writing, and other academics

  • Rekindle Your Child’s Love for Learning
  • Enhance Your Child’s Ability to Absorb New Information
  • Improve retention
  • Give Your Child the Tools They Need to Get Spectacular Grades

“My husband and I came across The Learning Success System while looking for something we could do to aide our daughter. She was diagnosed with Dyslexia and we needed something that we could do with her that summer. As soon as we started with Liz’s program, our daughter had better focus in less than three days. In a bit over two weeks, she would ask for the exercises before she had to read or wanted to write. Eye Saccades is her favorite! I completely recommend this learning system for any child, and the sooner/younger the better”

Leigh Spector, Colorado Springs, CO

Embrace Your Child’s True Brilliance

Sometimes, the most intelligent children don’t perform well in school. 

More and more parents have realized how outdated our school system is. Its cookie-cutter approach was originally designed to pump out factory workers. Not to enhance intelligence.

Without additional help this approach will not bring out your child’s true potential. It will not let your child’s brilliance shine.

The Smartest Students Struggle In Today’s Educations System!

You can add in the missing elements. You can give them the help they need to get. The help they will never get from standard education.

  • Schools do not build up the fundamental learning skills
  • Schools do not enhance creativity.
  • Standardized testing does not set students up for success. 
  • Schools do not focus on your child’s unique intelligence.

You can do these things for your child.

The Learning Success System gives parents the tools they need—the tools to help children excel at school and go on to succeed in life.

And it only takes about 15 minutes per day!

Improve Fundamental Learning Skills

Eliminate learning challenges at their root. Build up the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic cognitive micro-skills. The building blocks of intelligence and learning.

Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis

Our brains can grow and change at any age. Humans are amazingly adaptable and can learn to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis are the processes that allow this change. And you can increase your brain’s ability to change.

Build Confidence and Improve Emotional Regulation

Learning struggles can be devastating for anyones self-confidence and self-esteem. When these are diminished this leads to emotional problems as well. Proper techniques can reverse this trend and lead to a happier, more confident human.

So Many Happy Customers!

A Complete Solution

The Only System That Addresses All Parts Of The Problem

Most systems fail because they only focus on one part of the problem. Treating a child like a computer will not work. Our brains, our bodies, and our emotions all work together. All of these must be addressed together. Emotional, physical, sensory, and cognitive.

  • Restore Confidence
  • Enhance The Minds Own Natural Ability To Grow And Develop
  • Build Up the Cognitive Micro-Skills 
  • Strengthen Executive Functioning Skills
  • Bring Back Your Child’s Love of Learning

Great Students Are Built Not Born!

The Qualities of a Great Student

Great grades come from developing the qualities of being a great student. The same qualities that lead to success in life. It’s not about the grind of more studying. It’s about working smart and building up the underlying skills that make for a student that succeeds naturally.

An Organic Approach

Unleash Your Child’s Brilliance

Stop the “I’m Not Smart” Struggle Now!

Echo Me - Grade 7-9 - No Background Noise - Restaurant

Are you afraid that your child is going to quickly fall behind their peers? Is your child quickly losing self-confidence and beginning to wonder if they are “not-smart”?

Lost Confidence – Frustration – Discouragement

Lost Confidence – Frustration – Discouragement

Avoidance – Delaying – Procrastination

Easily Distracted – Fidgety – Hyperactive

Feels Stupid – Afraid of Failing

Shuts Down – Goes Blank – Stares Off

Low Effort – Seems Lazy – Takes Too Long To Do Homework

Crying – Tantrums – Stubborn

Stop The Struggle Now!

Does your child take longer to get homework done because they: 

  • Hate reading?
  • Hate math?
  • Hate Homework?
  • Lose the skills they just learned?

Get Back Those Countless Hours Wasted On Fighting Over School Work.

More homework won’t help. You’ve already tried that. Yet that’s often what the school suggests. Instead, help your child build up their learning skills. 

Then watch them love learning again. Watch them get great grades. Watch them surpass their peers.

Stop Wasting Precious Time – Start a Free Trial!

Common Symptoms

Signs of Learning Challenges

Does your child struggle with organizational problems such as:

Unfocussed boy

Lack of Focus?

Improving basic learning skills naturally improves focus
Boy doing homework

Difficulty Completing Tasks?

Improving Self-Confidence Improves Task Completion
Boy Pointing

Trouble Following Instructions?

Improve Auditory Processing Skills to Improve The Ability to Follow Instructions
A disorganized boy


Improve Visual Memory Skills to Improve Organization

It doesn’t have to be that way. These are skills. Your child can learn these skills. Start Now!

Embrace Your Child’s Brilliance

There Is A Solution

  • Build up fundamental learning skills
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Master emotions
  • Trigger neuroplasticity
  • Integrate the brain and sense

Use the Brain Bloom System. A simple step-by-step approach..

Designed By:

Education Therapists
Mind Body and Proprioception Experts

A system that solves every aspect of a learning struggle. 

Imagine Your Child Finally Enjoying School

The Building Blocks Of Learning

Because the Learning Success System builds up core learning skills it improves:

  • Reading
  • Spelling
  • Math
  • Writing
  • And More

What You Get

A Simple To Use At-Home Educational Therapy Program

Courses Covering All Aspects of Helping Your Child Succeed

Easy to follow courses that give you a step by step guide. Very simple and easy. Anyone can do it and it only takes about 15 minutes per day

Video Explanations 

Each exercise comes with a video tutorial. Explaining exactly how to do that exercise. This makes it very easy to follow and do.

New Exercises Added Monthly

Each month we add a new set of exercises to your account. Your account is always fresh with new and fun exercises.


Exercises come in a variety of formats. Some are videos that you follow along. Some are game-like animations. Some are downloadables.  Some are audibles that you follow along with.

All are easy and well explained. Making it very easy for you to understand and do with your child.

Portrait of a beautiful liitle girl close-up

Treat All Aspects of the Problem

  • Build up cognitive micro-skills
  • Develop self-confidence and determination
  • Manage emotions
  • Trigger neuroplasticity

Don’t Make These Mistakes

  • Learning Centers
  • Tutors
  • Extra Homework
  • Special Classes

These are wonderful and effective if you also attack the problem at it’s core. But if you don’t get to the core problem these things just make it worse.

Built By A Team Of Diverse Experts

  • Educational and occupational therapy
  • Psychology and communication
  • Mind-body integration
  • Proprioception and motor skills
  • Nutrition
  • Education
  • Personal experience in raising a child with a learning difficulty

This multi-pronged approach makes the Learning Success System unique and effective. When a child struggles in school it’s not only academics that are affected. It’s emotional as well.

boy holding a report card with A's

Improve Grades

Build up the fundamentals of Learning and improve academic ability

What would better grades feel like?

Who would be happier? You’re child? You? Grandparents? Teachers? Your whole family?

How would it feel to know that your child is on the right path? The path to enjoying school. The path to a good education. The path to a good career. The path to being happy and having a happy family of their own.

Strong learning will get your child to grade level or above. How would it feel when your child is ahead of the class? Enjoying school and gaining self-confidence.

Even a student who is years behind can eventually surpass their peers if given the right tools. Imagine your child being top in their class. It’s possible!

Increased self-confidence leads to a lot of great things. Like being more creative. Like being more independent. Getting things done on their own. Self-confidence is the key to a happy and productive life. 

When a learning struggle happens confidence plummets. 

All parents should use the confidence techniques in the Brain Bloom System. It’s even more important for parents of struggling students.

Once you improve confidence the avoidance tactics will disappear.

No more tantrums, crying, acting lazy, or shutting down. And your child will no longer feel like they are stupid.

Improved learning skills gives your child the ability to excel in academics. Getting a good education leads them to a better future. 

Imagine a better future for your child. What would that look like?  You’ll be thrilled with your investment in the Brain Bloom System

Decide today that your child will become a great student and a successful learner 
Portrait of cute happy school kid boy at home making homework. Little child writing with colorful pencils, indoors. Elementary school and education
More Than Just Academics

Improve Executive Function Skills

Executive function skills are essential to learning and so much more. These skills include paying attention, organizing, planning, and prioritizing, staying on task, and regulating emotions. A tremendous amount of research shows that these are the skills of long term success.

For example:

  • Improving Self-Control has been shown to improve math ability and also lead to stronger literacy skills
  • The ability to follow directions leads to more involved students who actively participate in the classroom
  • The ability to pay attention and focus is a major predictor of a child’s future levels of achievement

Imagine what it would be like if your child had greater self-control, could follow instructions better, and had stronger focus skills.

Improve Cognitive Skills

There is a myth that has been floating around for over a hundred years. Recent science has completely disproven it.

It Is The Myth That Brains Don’t Change


A brain that is constantly stimulated is a growing and developing brain.

The myth is extremely damaging because when people assume brains don’t change, they don’t. Because they do not give them the stimulation needed.

Don’t fall into that myth.

It’s like the story of “The Tortoise and the Hare”.  Working with your child, over time, causes dramatic changes in cognitive skills. It is this practice of life long skill development that leads to high achievement. It’s not where a child starts, it’s the process. So if your child has fallen behind don’t worry. You can change that.

And it’s best to start today.

Working memory refers to the system or process in the brain that temporarily holds and manipulates information necessary for cognitive tasks such as learning, reasoning, and comprehension. It is a critical function for day-to-day activities, enabling individuals to perform tasks that require the temporary storage and manipulation of information. Working memory is often conceptualized as having a limited capacity, meaning that it can only hold a certain amount of information at one time. This capacity can vary from person to person and can be influenced by various factors, including age, cognitive development, and health conditions.

Working memory is considered a part of the executive functions, which are processes responsible for managing, controlling, and regulating cognitive abilities. It involves several components, including the phonological loop (which processes verbal and auditory information), the visuospatial sketchpad (which processes visual and spatial information), the episodic buffer (which integrates information from different sources into a coherent sequence), and the central executive (which oversees the entire process, directing attention and coordinating the other components).

Research into working memory has highlighted its importance in a wide range of cognitive activities, such as problem-solving, language comprehension, planning, and decision-making. Due to its central role in cognitive functioning, working memory is a common area of study within psychology and neuroscience, with implications for education, mental health, and understanding cognitive impairments and disorders.

Logical thinking is a cognitive process that involves reasoning in a structured and consistent manner to arrive at a conclusion or solve a problem based on a set of premises or facts. It is a fundamental aspect of critical thinking, enabling individuals to make decisions, solve problems, and understand concepts by applying the principles of logic. Logical thinking is characterized by a clear, rational analysis of information, identification of relationships and patterns, and the use of systematic steps to reach conclusions.

There are several key components and types of logical thinking, including:

  1. Deductive Reasoning: Starting from a general premise to make specific conclusions. If the premises are true and the reasoning is valid, the conclusion must also be true. For example, if all humans are mortal (a general premise) and Socrates is a human (a specific instance), then Socrates is mortal (a specific conclusion).
  2. Inductive Reasoning: Making broad generalizations from specific observations. The conclusions reached through inductive reasoning may be probable but are not guaranteed to be true. For example, observing that the sun has risen every day in recorded history and concluding that it will rise again tomorrow.
  3. Abductive Reasoning: Starting with an incomplete set of observations and proceeding to the likeliest possible explanation. It is often used when there is not enough information to make a deductive or inductive conclusion.

Logical thinking is critical in a wide range of fields, from mathematics and science to philosophy and everyday decision-making. It enables individuals to assess the validity of arguments, make reasoned judgments, and engage in thoughtful discussion. Developing strong logical thinking skills can improve problem-solving abilities, enhance communication, and foster a deeper understanding of complex issues.

Visual-spatial thinking is a cognitive process that involves the ability to perceive, analyze, and understand visual information in the world around us and to imagine or recall spatial relations among objects. This form of thinking is crucial for interpreting and navigating the physical environment, understanding visual and spatial concepts, and solving problems that involve spatial relationships or visual patterns.

Key aspects and applications of visual-spatial thinking include:

  1. Spatial Perception: Understanding the position, orientation, and relationships of objects in space. This includes being able to judge distances and sizes accurately.
  2. Visualization: The ability to mentally picture objects or scenarios, including the capacity to manipulate or transform these images in the mind’s eye. This skill is vital in fields such as architecture, engineering, and art.
  3. Spatial Reasoning: Solving problems or making predictions based on the understanding of spatial relationships. This includes the ability to navigate, to understand maps and diagrams, and to envision how parts fit together in a whole.
  4. Spatial Orientation: Knowing one’s location in space relative to other objects, and understanding directions and layouts from different perspectives.

Individuals with strong visual-spatial thinking skills excel in tasks and fields that require visualizing concepts, spatial judgment, and understanding complex patterns or designs. These skills are essential in a wide range of activities, from everyday tasks like packing and navigation to professional endeavors in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), art, and design.

It’s important to note that visual-spatial thinking is just one component of cognitive abilities, and people vary in their proficiency in this area. Education and practice can help develop and improve these skills over time.

Act Now!

Join These Smart Parents

He is doing grade level work now. I am very happy. The teacher says he is doing great! He was having problems with his reading but he is doing very good now. It really helped him. The tutor said she can’t see dyslexia traits anymore. He’s reading and he is getting what he is reading. I’m so happy I found this program
Arlene Zimmerman
East Earl, Pennsylvania
I am really happy to share with all about the ease of my life being a homeschooling mom of 4 kids. After using this program the results are amazingly positive. Especially my elder son who has a photographic memory and is highly intelligent but has problems in auditory discrimination, directionality, and emotional control, which was a great hindrance for learning. The major change in himself is he has started finding solutions to his problems on his own. It is really an amazing program. I am really grateful I found Learning Success.
Rabiya Jamal
Iahore, Pakistan

Parents Are The Key To A Child’s Success

If there is one thing that the research shows more than anything it is that parent involvement is the key.

Parents who work directly with their children on these skills raise the most successful children.

So no matter what school help you get. No matter what professionals you work with.

No one  can have the impact that you can.

You are the expert in your child. No one else can compare.

This has been proven over and over.

With the right tools, you will have a bigger effect on the outcome than any other person. And the earlier you start the easier it will be to make that change happen.

Start Today!

Liz Smiling